We looked at the world map and the map of the United Kingdom. We found different places on the map where the children had been on holiday. We found Turkey and The Canary Islands on the world map. The children found Bishop Auckland on the map of the UK and we located London our capital city.
Soundswrite in Year 2
The children are working hard in soundswrite. They have been learning words from the extended code and looking at how there are often different ways to spell words with the same sound. Also how words with the same spelling can gave different sounds. The children have been spelling polysyllabic words and writing sentences from dictation.
PE Sessions begin
Class 1 and 2 have enjoyed their first PE sessions in the hall this week. To begin with there was lots of excellent listening and following instructions to make sure that everybody was safe during our session in the hall with the equipment. All of the children enjoyed practising lots of physical skills whilst keeping themselves and others safe.
Seasonal Change Painting in Year 1
In Year 1 we have started to investigate seasonal change. We are so excited to see the leaves falling from the trees. The children in Year 1 have been painting some autumn leaves to display in the classroom. We really enjoy all the orange and red colours.
We’re going on a bear hunt
This week we have been reading the story ‘We’re Going on a Bear Hunt’. We went on a bear hunt around school looking for signs of the bear. The bear has also been getting up to lots of mischief in Nursery. The children have been demonstrating some fantastic speaking and listening and imagination. Great work everyone!
New Starters
It has been wonderful to welcome our new starters and children returning to Nursery. They have settled in so well, have started to make new friends and had fun exploring their new surroundings.
Computing in Year 2
Year 2 children are enjoying their new class and working well. They have been logging onto the laptops in carousel time and can access a range of activities. The i-pads have been used for Lexia work and the children have been using the bee-bots and blue-bots for programming.
Abstract Art
Inspired by the works of Beatriz Milhazes, the children in Year 1 have been creating their own abstract compositions. The children experimented with two methods to create their artwork; with some children layering circle pieces of tissue paper and some children drawing and colouring their own circle shapes. What fantastic artist we have in Year 1!
Walking on Eggs
Year 2 have been walking on eggs! All of the children said that the eggs would break if they stood on them. They took it in turns to walk on the eggs, making sure to distribute their weight evenly across them. The children discovered that eggs are in fact very strong. The arched structure keeps them from breaking as long as the pressure of your weight is spread around to all of the eggs. We found that the eggs would only break if all of your weight was put onto one egg.
Starting School in September 2022
Children in Class 1 and Class 2 have had a wonderful start to the year. They have very quickly learnt new routines and it has been lovely to see friendships begin to develop. The boys and girls have had a range of snacks including carrots, bananas and cheese on crackers. Well done everyone!
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