Welcome to Our Classes
In this section you will find information about each class, including the teacher’s name, the class curriculum or topic plans and information of what each class is learning about and evidence of work.
We have 6 classes arranged in year group pairs – 2 in our Foundation Stage unit, 2 in Year 1 and 2 in Year 2. Each pair of classes covers the same topics and learning objectives. The pairs of teachers work closely together, planning similar work for the children they teach.
Our Early Years teachers plan as a team so that all the children in the unit have the same opportunities and experiences. They follow a play-based curriculum and there are many opportunities for child-initiated learning.
You can view and download the Curriculum Overviews, Collective Worship Topics and our Spiritual, Moral Social and Cultural (SMSC) Development and British Values by visiting Our Curriculum section.
You can view what we have been doing in other years in our school.
Select any of the classes from the menu for further information.