Our Kindness Club reinforces our school values (nurture, experience, respect and community) by promoting kindness, helpfulness, turn taking and positive behaviour. It also encourages children to explore their sense of belonging to a community ie our school and how we should behave towards each other. The Year 2 children enjoyed making new friends and playing new games and their behaviour was excellent. Well done!
Class 1 & 2 Wedding
Class 1 and 2 have had a wonderful experience at the Methodist Church celebrating a special wedding. Lots of preparation has happened in the classroom before the big day, supported by our shared story “When Willy Went to the Wedding.” The children wrote invitations and learned about the key parts of a wedding service. They planned their own wedding reception including making the wedding food and cake and also planning and designing the wedding tables.
Charity Reindeer Run
It has been a lovely morning at school today. The children have been out supporting each other on their ‘Reindeer Run’ where our parents have generously made donations towards the Angel Trust Charity in Bishop Auckland, who work closely with the school.
Christmas Shoeboxes
Egg Drop Challenge
We created some designs to protect the egg from cracking when it was dropped from a height. There were some interesting ideas and the children were so excited to take part in this STEM activity. There were a few cracked eggs and we talked about why this happened.
Autumn in EYFS
The reception classes have been busy learning about the four seasons, particularly autumn in the recent weeks. They have looked for signs of autumn outside and collected autumn treasures with their families which they brought into school to talk about and create a display. Our shared stories have inspired our children in the art room and they have made some wonderful ‘Leaf Man’ collages. They have learned about harvest time, enjoying our special celebration at the church with members of the community. There were lots of mucky fingers when we pulled up our carrots from outside! During this we had some lovely discussions about the wonderful shapes and sizes of carrot we had grown.
Low Barnes
Year 1 had a lovely morning at Low Barns Nature Reserve. The children enjoyed walking around the reserve looking out for wildlife and signs of seasonal change. They loved our pond dipping and minibeast hunt activities. We found lots of amazing things including a newt, a toad, a great diving beetle and some sticklebacks.
Durham Cathedral
We had a wonderful trip to Durham Cathedral with our year 2 children. They experienced a guided tour of the Cathedral and a hands on workshop. The children dressed in costumes and re-created the story of St Cuthbert and how he came to rest at Durham. It was a very interesting day and the children answered lots of questions confidently. It was lovely so see the Rose Window and the places that we had looked at in books before the trip.
Seasonal Change Painting in Year 1
In Year 1 we have started to investigate seasonal change. We are so excited to see the leaves falling from the trees. The children in Year 1 have been painting some autumn leaves to display in the classroom. We really enjoy all the orange and red colours.
Starting School in September 2022
Children in Class 1 and Class 2 have had a wonderful start to the year. They have very quickly learnt new routines and it has been lovely to see friendships begin to develop. The boys and girls have had a range of snacks including carrots, bananas and cheese on crackers. Well done everyone!
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