Thank you for your donations for the Shoebox Appeal. The children from our school council enjoyed filling the boxes and we were able to take 29 to the Wear Valley Christian Centre where they will be sent on their journey to children in other countries who are in need and will hopefully get joy in receiving them.
Febfest 2015 – “Rights Respecting Robe”
On Monday 9th February the annual Febfest Art Exhibition opened in Bishop Auckland Town Hall. The theme this year was Magna Carta, which is about fairness and the protection of human rights. As a Rights Respecting School this is something our children are familiar with and they certainly have a keen sense of fairness.
The artwork they produced is a cloak covered in the children’s own words which express their thoughts and feelings on their rights. It is beautifully decorated with jewels and feathers to reflect the importance of this 800 year old document and how relevant it still is in today’s world.
Class 6 (2013-14) – PSHCE – Rights Respecting School
We were very concerned when we heard about Typhoon Haiyan and the devestation it had caused to families in the Philippines. After looking at pictures on BBC newsround at the horrific scenes we decided that we should help in some way. We made a tuck shop in our class and sold mix ups and lollies. We raised £20 and this will be sent to charity.