- Remind children about assembly Need and Wants
- Explain about rights
- Walk around school to see example of rights
- Discuss having a logo/mascot – who to design?
- Any other ideas how to tell people in school about rights
- How can we tell adults at home about our rights?
Mrs Reeve asked the children if they remembered the assembly about our Rights, and asked if the children remembered what we actually Need and what we Want. The children remembered that we Need water, milk, toothpaste, food etc… Want sweets, coke, mobile phones, crisps etc… The children also remembered that a Want is something that is not important and we would just like to have them, and a Need is something we need to have to keep us healthy.
It was discussed that we need shelter and somewhere warm to sleep yet a conservatory was something that we do not need…it is just nice to have.
Mrs Reeve also highlighted that our needs are not just our needs it is our right to have these things. Some countries are poor and do not have these things.
Mrs Reeve told the children about their rights; to play, learn, have clean water, healthy food and to be heard. She explained that she would like their help at making sure everyone in the school knew about the rights of children.
We walked around school to see where we should put rights posters and labels (articles) to remind us of our rights. The children suggested:
- The right to play – Breakfast club area, on doors where they come into school
- The right to healthy food – breakfast club, dining hall, SEAL display
- The right to clean water – dining hall, next to water coolers
- The right to learn – Science area in hallway, reading area in top porch, library area, attendance chart in main hall.
- The right to be safe – On outside doors, windows.
They also spotted articles and posters that were already in place.
The children liked the idea of having a logo to remind them it was a right. They loved the idea of having a whole school competition to design the logo with suggestions such as a friendly monster or dinosaur.
The children came up with ideas of how to communicate our rights to the adults in and outside of our school. Suggestions were as follows:
- Send a letter
- Send an email
- Send text messages
- Signs on our fence
- School newsletter
- School website
Other things mentioned; Pupil Voice, Christmas presents, Shoe box appeal.