- Visitor – Miss Bainbridge (School Governor)
Miss Bainbridge came along to our session to meet our School Council and to discuss what they do and what they think about school.
Jasmine – “I like doing work.”
Charlie – “It lets you play.”
Miss Bainbridge asked if the children liked the new school layout that was done over the six weeks holidays.
Charlie – “When we had to walk into the junior’s yard we got hit by balls when they played football. It better going out this side, it’s safer.”
Emily – “It’s easier and quicker to get to our yard now.”
Miss Bainbridge asked what things that the children would like to change about the school.
Charlie – “Bigger football pitch / baseball pitch.”
Luca – “A see-saw and a slide and a cage around the pitch to make it safer for the other children.”
Emily – “A trampoline.”
Olly-Ray – “Scooter locks for the bikes and scooters that we bring into school.”
Mrs Guy said that she would speak to Mrs Graham to see if it would be possible to get a more secure shelter for the bikes and scooters and will also take the list of requests to see if any of the other things would be a good idea. Miss Bainbridge asked the children who ‘Rio’ was, the children repeated the “Bike It – Be Happy” chant.
The children also told Miss Bainbridge all about the school walking tickets and that if their class wins by the end of the week they get to look after Frankie for a week.
Any other buisness
Miss Bainbridge came up with a suggestion that if the children had a school council diary they could ask children in their class for topics to discuss at the next meeting.
The children would like to say, “Thank you for coming to our meeting Miss Bainbridge.”