At Cockton Hill Infants’ School we work hard to ensure a smooth and successful transition for children into our school as we know how important it is.
As an infants’ school, in the summer term we organise transition visits with our main feeder nursery schools and other pre-school providers. Members of the Early Year’s staff from the school visit these providers to familiarise with the children and speak to the staff. Year 2 children take part in a structured programme of visits to the Junior School. This involves members of staff accompanying the children on a visit to their new school and helping them to settle into the new environment and meet the staff. We have transition sessions for children starting our Nursery and parents attend these as well so we are able to ensure that we know the children and their needs. We work with parents if children need longer to settle in.
When children move to a different year group within school, transition meetings take place between staff where any needs are discussed. Extra transition visits are arranged for those children who may need them.
How we support children/young people with SEN starting at our school
The organisation of transition for SEND children is an extension of this system. Children with SEND may require additional support when moving to their new school and we work with staff at the nurseries and previous schools to ensure this is as supportive to parents and seamless for the child as possible.
How we support children/young people with SEN moving between classes in our school
Transition visits are organised in the summer term before children move to a new class. We organise more sessions for SEND children if needed and provide transition booklets for them to take home to allow them to get to know their new class and staff. Staff work closely with parents and if needed a transition meeting will be arranged.
How we support children/young people with SEN leaving our school
In the Summer term the SENCo from the Junior school and our SENCO have a meeting to discuss the children who will be joining their school, what support is in place and what is working well. If a child has complex needs this may take place earlier in the year to allow the transition and planning to start as soon as possible. A transition meeting may also be necessary with parents and other agencies.
If you would like to discuss your SEND requirements in detail please contact the school to arrange an appointment.