Medical Conditions
Please notify the school of any special medical conditions which may affect your child whilst at school or on a visit. During school hours minor cuts, scrapes etc. are treated in school; for any bumps on the head parents will be contacted by telephone to inform them of this. In the event of a serious accident (e.g. suspected broken bone) parents and emergency services would be immediately contacted. If your child had to go to hospital a member of school staff would accompany them and remain with them until parents/carers arrived.
If your child is well enough to attend school but requires medicines prescribed by the doctor during school hours please ensure that all medicines are taken directly by the parent/carer to the school office and handed over to the member of staff who has responsibility for managing medication in school. An ’Administration of Medication’ form must then be completed. No child is permitted to have any medication in his/her possession therefore the medication must be collected by an adult at the end of the day. We cannot give medicines which have not been prescribed e.g. Calpol. If your child contracts an infectious disease such as whooping cough, measles, mumps or chicken pox etc. please check with your medical practitioner to establish when it is safe for your child to return to school without putting other children or adults at risk.
Head Lice
Below is a leaflet with some information regarding the treatment of head lice.
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