- School council booklets for classes
- What are some of our rights?
- Logo/mascot competition
The children recalled some of the rights discussed at the last meeting. Some of the rights they remembered were:
- to be safe
- to have water and milk
- to have exercise
- to eat healthy food
- to see a doctor
- to be able to brush our teeth
They listened to a song about Children’s Rights on the UNICEF website and recalled more rights. Charlie counted 11.
The children from each year group chose a right they would like their class to learn about. Emily suggested they could make posters or do some writing. Mrs Reeve said it would be good to have some photographs too.
Classes 1 & 2 – The Right to play
Classes 3 & 4 – The Right to come to school
Classes 5 & 6 – The Right to be safe
The children still liked the idea of having a logo to remind everyone about their rights. It was decided that each class needed some small squares of paper for children to draw their own design to enter the competition. The School Council had a turn at designing their own logo so they could feedback to their teacher and class. Mrs Reeve wrote this in the school council book for the children to give to their teachers. She also reminded them that they could write in the books any ideas that the school council could discuss at another meeting.